Tuesday, March 31, 2015

Review as Read 33: Danger Girl, The Ultimate Collection

(Click on the Picture above for the linked Video described below)

This time I will review the compilation graphic novel of Danger Girl, The Ultimate Collection by J. Scott Campbell and Andy Hartnell.

Hope you enjoy and till next word...

The Simplicity of Logic's Blog : http://simplicityoflogic.blogspot.sg/

The Simplicity of Logic's Youtube page: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=sPyCk0ZXNcw

Tuesday, March 24, 2015

Level Up 39: (Gaming Poor) Why you don't need to own your Grail Games

(Click on the picture above for the linked Video described below)

BIMD13: Terrible Tales of Gaming Horror - "The Type": http://youtu.be/cG_LqyTN6og

This time I will talk about the reasons why one should control and be able to logically justify the need to get a game they have always wanted before they make the leap into getting what is usually an expensive purchase. 

Till next word...

Link to The Simplicity of Logic's Blog Page: http://simplicityoflogic.blogspot.sg/

The Simplicity of Logic's Youtube Page: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=hz--4Sgqk1k

Simplicity of Logic 20: A few thoughts on Mr Lee Kuan Yew, the man

(Click on the picture above for the linked Video described below)

Just my few thoughts on Mr Lee Kuan Yew, founding father of modern day Singapore, who passed away on 23/03/2015. I shall not glorify nor down the great man but treat him fairly as a man, flaws and all as to my limited ability.  

Fare thee well Mr Lee (Salutes) and till next word...

The Simplicity of Logic's Blog : http://simplicityoflogic.blogspot.sg/

The Simplicity of Logic's Youtube page: http://youtu.be/ATxLe7xNXFQ

Monday, March 16, 2015

Review as Read 32: Slaine, Warrior Beyond Time (2000.A.D. Comics)

(Click on the Picture above for the linked Video described below)

This time I will review a compilation graphic novel by 2000.A.D on the character of Slaine. This graphic novels includes the full stories of Demon Killer and Treasures of Britain. 

Hope you enjoy and till next word...

The Simplicity of Logic's Blog : http://simplicityoflogic.blogspot.sg/

The Simplicity of Logic's Youtube page: http://youtu.be/zS5dtqY32bA

Monday, March 9, 2015

Level Up 38/LUD19: (Gaming Poor) How to make Personalised Reminder/Scoring tokens

(Click on the Picture above for the linked Video described below)

This time I will teach how to make personal reminder/scoring tokens for miniature or board gaming for a low price. Hope you enjoy. 

Till next word...

Link to The Simplicity of Logic's Blog Page: http://simplicityoflogic.blogspot.sg/

The Simplicity of Logic's Youtube Page: http://youtu.be/Te3OKVNPB9s

Monday, March 2, 2015

BIMD13: Terrible Tales of Gaming Horror - "The Type"

(Click on the Picture above for the linked Video described below)

In this post, I reminisce about a person whose habits and a willing ignorance to accept any of his issues in my view culminated into an event at the end of the day that made me leave a group which I did enjoy gaming with quite a bit regretfully. 

Hope you enjoy and till next word...

The Simplicity of Logic Blog : http://simplicityoflogic.blogspot.sg/

The Simplicity of Logic Youtube Page: http://youtu.be/cG_LqyTN6og